Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Old but good

Daniel in the truck
Mountain top

I've been cleaning out my laptop files to make room for MUSIC (I got an iPod! and its disk capacity is three times what my laptop's is...), and so uploaded these pics from the trip Dan, Tom and I took to Killarney (Vic Day weekend 2005). Look how young Daniel looks with his short hair and no beard!!


At 6:02 PM, Blogger alison said...

Wow - so true. I found that Tom looked younger too when I looked at the whole album.

Beautiful pics. Makes me miss camping!!

At 8:03 AM, Blogger RTF said...

My. How we age. I thought Daniel looked rather dad-like there, actually.

Thanks for posting, Sulasue!

At 3:49 PM, Blogger sue said...

you're welcome! i'm pleased to have those photos out there.


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