Thursday, November 23, 2006


Hey, LR.

I miss you all.

Can I tell you how excited I am to come home for Christmas? I'm very excited.

I look forward to possibly joining you for LR over the holidays. What days do we meet now?



Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Speaking in tongues

There's a (positive-sounding) article in today's New York Times about speaking in tongues. Read more here.

Two excerpts:
“The amazing thing was how the images supported people’s interpretation of what was happening,” said Dr. Andrew B. Newberg, leader of the study team, which included Donna Morgan, Nancy Wintering and Mark Waldman. “The way they describe it, and what they believe, is that God is talking through them,” he said.

Contrary to what may be a common perception, studies suggest that people who speak in tongues rarely suffer from mental problems. A recent study of nearly 1,000 evangelical Christians in England found that those who engaged in the practice were more emotionally stable than those who did not.

Monday, November 06, 2006

From NYC

I really like this version of the prayer of belief.